stop anxiety attacks

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Anxieties Blessings And Curses!

path of anxiety

Anxiety Blessings And Curses?

A New Year is upon us and I hope those who suffer from anxiety and panic attacks are beginning to find a little more peace. I know how Holidays can increase those feelings and heighten the symptoms. Let's make 2015 a year to learn to calm our fears and feel our pleasures more.

So why do I consider anxiety to be a blessing and a curse?  It's because of the heightened sense of feelings we have. We feel very deeply for the good things and even for the bad. Our minds can turn in an instant from the thoughts of another panic attack to loving thoughts that could blanket the world.

Achieving this switch takes practice and time but no doubt it can be accomplished. When you are in the grips of anxiety and panic attacks it is hard to believe there is a way out but simply put it is a decision in your own mind to turn this mania into something good. This is where the blessing of anxiety can overcome the curse.

No matter if the feelings are good or bad they are magnified by our anxiety and if allowed enable us to prepare quicker for any situation. If we need to flee we are gone before you know it, if it is for something we believe in we give it all we have! Our minds can drive us to insanity with the fear and negative thoughts but when we are involved in something we are passionate about we give all of ourselves. Even times of going over board because we want to make a difference because we know what it feels like to be down.

Anxieties blessings and curses use us by making us take a closer look at ourselves and how we take care of ourselves. When an episodes begins tell yourself, Okay what am I about to learn from this...Either I am being threatened and need to flee or it is my over reaction to something going on in my life?  What is it that I need to take more time to learn and resolve to lessen these threats?

If it is your constant fear of your health it leads you to learn to take better care of your health. Once you allow the anxiety in and let it pass through and you have made your life healthier, your anxiety will subside but your strong convictions will remain. You remember what you have learned as not to repeat so you may move forward and have more confidence in yourself.

Do you have social anxiety? What can you learn from this form of anxiety? Most of all that you are not alone. Here is the curse of anxiety making you feel as though everyone is looking at just you. Stand in a crowd and imagine everyone around you thinking the same things you are thinking. They are thinking everyone is looking at them and judging them. Do they really care what you are wearing or what type person you are? Most of the time you are just a passing vision as they look around as everyone does and not a thought about you even crosses their mind. 

 Most people are just going about their normal routines or activities it is your mind who is drawing their attention to you not them. When you make a speech in front of the class does it really matter what they think? Yes, you hope they like what you have to say but their approval is not needed for you to feel good about yourself. Just knowing your preparation was good and you have completed what you needed to do and their opinion does not take away from that. No one can please everyone so you learn to worry less about everyone and begin to get selective on the opinions and people that matter. 

Anxiety's curse is the overwhelming flood of negative or scary thoughts coming at you all at once that you do not know what to do with. This curse can be good in some instances when there really is danger but most of the time it is a matter of learning to let the anxiety flow...This curse can be turned into a blessing by learning to control your minds' reaction and your bodys' reactions to these thoughts. By no means is this something you just up and learn to do...This takes time in getting to fully know yourself and changing how you react to your minds tricks.

A New Year with a new way of thinking about how Anxieties Blessings And Curses can make us a stronger and more passionate person. Learning to turn the negative into positive is an accomplishment no on can take from you. Take this year to truly learn yourself and give yourself the attention, nutrition, support and love it needs.

Only WE can Choose to support one another!
Melinda Pearson
path of anxiety

PS: I hope you enjoyed this first post of the new year. Please like and share if you learned something or leave me a comment or suggestion.